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chrome users:
IF you are getting network error when trying to listen to the radio,click the lock in the addy bar. Go to site settings, and scroll down till you find”insecure content”. change to allow and radio player will work. This is something chrome has started and you must change to tune in with this browser!! All other browsers work fine !

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Our DJ's

  • Lovebug Lovebug

    USA Hi, I am DJ Lovebug. I have been djing online for 13 years now.

  • Outlaw Outlaw

    USA Hi, I’M DJ Outlaw. i am from Oklahoma, and play country and pop music

  • DarkAngel DarkAngel

    USA Hi, I am DJ DarkAngel. I have been dj’n online for 12 years now.

  • Merlin Merlin

    USA I have been djing for roughly 6 years now. I love country and rock

  • Phoenix Phoenix

    USA Howdy, I’m DJ. Phoenix. I play everything from the 1950’s to very early 1990’s.Oldies,

  • Smexy Smexy

    USA Hi. I am DJ Smexy. I have been djing for over 10 Years. In

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